10月17日,爱克发与中国医保签署经销合作协议,共同拓展中国大陆业务。该项协议主要内容为,中国医保可在中国部分省份的医院及其他医疗机构分销爱克发Drystar胶片和打印设备。爱克发首席执行官Christian Reinaudo、北亚区总经理Herman Raats、中国医保总经理王宏新共同签署该协议,中国国务院总理李克强、比利时总理米歇尔等比利时政要出席了在布鲁塞尔举行的签字仪式。

Read the full Chinese press release here


Agfa and China Meheco Corporation sign distribution and cooperation agreement for growing their businesses in China

On October 17, 2018, Agfa signed an agreement with China Meheco Corporation, which will support both companies’ strong growth in China. The contract covers the distribution of Agfa’s DRYSTAR film and equipment to hospitals and other healthcare centers in several provinces of China. This key contract was signed by Christian Reinaudo, CEO of Agfa; Herman Raats, Head of ASPAC region North for Agfa; and Mr. Wang Hongxin, General Manager of China Meheco Corporation. Premier Li Keqiang of China and Premier Charles Michel of Belgium both attended the signing in Brussels, along with a number of other dignitaries from Belgium.

Read the full English press release here