On September 28th and 29th, the Agfa Radiology Advisory Board convened in Mortsel. The agenda for this year’s gathering has been revamped. While last year centered on the future of Radiology, resulting in a compelling white paper, this year’s emphasis is on the pathways to that future and the innovations required. 

Members of the Radiology board include:
Prof. Johan De Mey, MD PhD​ Radiology Dep. Head, VUB &,
Gustavo Meirelles, MD PhD, MBA Chairman & CEO of Intellgência Diagnóstica Remota (iDr), 
Bhavin Jankharia, MD Partner & Consultant Radiologist, Picture This by Jankharia, Mumbai​, 
Amanda Martin Reporting radiographer, 
Caitlin Chalifour Radiology QA Specialist, MGH, 
Prof. Paul Parizel, MD PhD David Hartley Chair of Radiology, University Western Australia (UWA) & Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) & Chair of RANZCR​, 
Prof. Guillaume Gorincour, MD PhDScientific Director, IMADIS Technology​, 
Prof. Annemiek Snoeckx, MD PhDRadiology Dep. Head, UZA, 
Bernard Lepoutre, MD Radiology Dep. Head, AZ Monica & Agfa Radiology CMO, ​
Prof. Thomas Frauenfelder, MD PhD Director & Professor of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, University Hospital Zurich, 
Nicholas Spencer, MD Consultant Radiologist, NHS, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals & Agfa Healthcare Chief CIO, 
Prof. Rajiv Gupta, MD PhD Associate Radiologist Neuro and Emergency Radiology Division, MGH