Recent data shows that 83% of all bedside chest X-rays require manual intervention to rotate images. Radiographers at medium and large hospitals do more than 70,000 manual clicks each year to rotate chest images on portable X-ray machines.*  This works out to an average of nearly 20 hours, or almost three full working days annually. And that is just for chest x-rays.

By making SmartRotate available for all of our DR and CR solutions, we are meeting our commitment to put intelligent tools directly into the hands of radiographers, regardless of the size or budget of the hospital.  SmartRotate always presents the image ready for viewing, automatically. It uses a Deep Neural Net to interpret the image contents, and then rotates the image accordingly. By reducing post-processing actions, the radiographer saves time and can focus on imaging, not rotating. This also ensures the images are consistently presented on the PACS, allowing better comparison with priors.

View the teaser movie here
